This is a hip hop Spanish artist who make critics of the government, the live, the material people, the crimes and all the reality that young people have to live, this song specially talks about the immigrants and all the suffering that they have to effort and live trying to come to America looking for the “American dream” . This music inspires me because the lyric try to change the world a little bit to make it better, I’m conscious that a song is not going to change all the worlds mentality but at least is going to make some people think about the reality and how every time we are wasting lives, moment and in general our lives. I’m not a hip hop fanatic and the true I don’t know English hip hop English song but I like the objective of some of this songs because they try to planted a seed on the people mind and they make them consider the world and their lives in a better way .
This is my favorite part of the song hope you enjoy it
“ With stories packaged in cans, with the moon recounts tales learned to walk without map ...
To go for a walk without commodities, without luxury ... protected by the saints and witches ...
I learned to write in my notebook with the same language and shake the whole planet”
To go for a walk without commodities, without luxury ... protected by the saints and witches ...
I learned to write in my notebook with the same language and shake the whole planet”